Mari Sendroscki De Avila: “The Married & Juiced-Up Brazilian Home-Wrecker”

Mari Sendroscki

Mari Sendroscki De Avila: “The Married & Juiced-Up Brazilian Home-Wrecker”.  If you live in the lower mainland, particularly in Vancouver or Richmond BC, watch out for this old, gross and steroid using CVNT! This house/office cleaner by trade is one nasty a55 SLORE. Don’t let her broken English fool you… You don’t want her in your home cleaning anything, the b1tch is nasty and will probably try and fuk your husband. She is a married woman, (if you can even call her that after how much oral and injection steroids she pumps into her body). She gives zero fuks about wrecking her marriage or yours! This mentally unstable woman is constantly complaining about her failed marriage and tries to wreck other peoples relationship in order to make herself feel better. She is a big time HOME-WRECKER who is starved for attention and affection from any idiot with a d1ck. She takes so many steroids you can play a “connect the dots” draw by numbers game on her gross back acne caused by all the gear she takes. This b1tch barely has any tits and probably has an enlarged cl1t now from all the roids. Don’t know how anyone could find this gross masculine cvnt attractive at all. Them idiots falling for her must be closeted gay men.

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