Kayla Marie Yarbrough – Extortionist Nurse Practitioner

Kayla Marie Yarbrough

Kayla Marie Yarbrough – Extortionist Nurse Practitioner. Meet Kayla, a gold digging, Homewrecking, extortionist, nurse practitioner who works for a large [REDACTED]. She grew up (ied. She kept trying for a long while to wrench him away from his wife and children. Years later he said he just let her believe what she wanted to keep her docile because he was afraid ofn the background) with an alcoholic father and a sister with many chronic medical and mental issues (read as daddy issues and a deep seeded need to be “chosen” over another woman). Enter Mr. Married who also has mommy issues, abandonment issues, and a toddler sized need for attention. Mr. M had a high paying job and his wife had a toddler and had just given birth to a second baby. Kayla, being the gutter-trash opportunist saw a weakness and literally pounced. He pushed her off, but she cried and apologized and reeled him back in long enough to blow him. Then she held that over his head. That’s how it start what she would do. “I was only wanting attention and the ego stroke, but affairs are never platonic. And she was certainly never going to let it be because that’s where she got the leverage. It was never about the sex. The sex was awful! It was mind-numbingly bad. I had trouble performing all the time. I had to go somewhere else mentally. I stayed because of the attention and because of the threat of exposure. That’s all.” It went on and she got more “fatal attraction” —showing up to a work Christmas party which she was not supposed to attend that he and his wife attended, and she even went so far as to attend a family funeral. He couldn’t even grieve his loved one for fear she was going to out him to his family and his wife. “I’ve never wanted to hit someone so badly in my life” he said. The relationship grew tumultuous. When his wife had more children, she became enraged. She threw fits. Asked him why he was with her when clearly he still loved his wife. At that point she realized he was never leaving and she was never going to be the ‘kept woman of luxury’. So she started extorting him/floozy herself harder than ever. Trinkets for her apartment, tickets to football games, plane tickets for big mama to fly home to Elksnout IN, trip to the redneck riviera, demanding he pay for her girls trips with her friends etc.. Finally, when she realized she would have to work for a living, she extorted letters of recommendation to NP school. That’s right. She’s an NP because she blew the right married guy and threatened to tell his family/wife/job/licensing board basically anybody who would listen if he didn’t do what she wanted. In the end, when he dumped her and was coming clean, she still threatened to give every gory detail to his wife if he didn’t continue to see her. That’s when he had to threaten her with a restraining order. After Mr. M, she did it again. Only this time, she upped the ante on the leverage. She leveraged a pregnancy…(We conjecture she thought since Mr. M stayed with the woman who had the babies?). That didn’t work either. She got dumped on her large butt real fast once again and so now she’s over thirty, living with big mama and daddy with a little bastard to raise. She portrays herself as such a wonderful person and a caring mother on social media, but she had ZERO concern for the children whose fathers she tried to wrench away and whose safe homes she destroyed. Her friends and family who all claim to be so Christian and marriage oriented, all know what she does and they support and enable her. So we doubt she’ll stop any time soon. Feel free to tag her on FB and warn your married friends!

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