Beware Of Italian Dentist Andrea Pizzini. He Seems Sweet And Charming But He’s A Womanizer And Cheater.

Andrea Pizzini

Beware Of Italian Dentist Andrea Pizzini. He Seems Sweet And Charming, But He’s A Womanizer And Cheater.. Be EXTREMELY careful if you are ever dating Dr. Andrea Pizzini. He gives off the convincing appearance of being a good guy and most people, including me for nearly a year when I was dating him ‘exclusively’, believed he was so sweet and honest. The truth is, he’s a major sociopath who has misled many, including even his own family, who are really great people. I just don’t want any other woman to go through what I went through, which was finding out that my boyfriend of nearly a year, the one who made it clear to me, my family, and even his own family, had intentions to marry me and step in as a dad for my daughter, had actually been cheating on me from nearly the very beginning of our relationship. He’s very good at manipulating, playing innocent by excusing any ‘misunderstanding’ on factors like it being a language barrier (he’s in the U.S. from Italy and speaks Italian as his first language), and he will essentially say anything, do anything, be anything, in order to get what he wants; which I believe from my confirmation with numerous other women he was playing while he was supposed ‘boyfriend’, happens to be taking dating and sex as a conquest and game (I believe he has a serious sex addiction alongside being a narcissist). Please, just be extremely wary of dating him, and don’t believe or trust that he will be faithful, no matter how convincing he seems, as he is a master con artist and very, very experienced at the cheating game. I don’t want anyone to go through the heartbreak my family and I did because of him. The breakup was initially blamed on him just falling out of love because of the distance… but in reality, I found out it was that he was dating multiple other women in different cities, states and even across country lines- yikes! I literally thank God that I found out, as I was taken in by his charm, as were all of my family and friends who also believed he was who he portrayed himself to be. It could have been much, much worse if I had gone blindly into the marriage the way he was leading me, and I’m so grateful I ended up finding out about his true character, which is just built lie upon lie. Be careful!

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