( Stinky Mit) Melly Mackaveli

Melly Mackaveli

( Stinky Mit) Melly Mackaveli.Greetings Nik! All you regulars on here by now know who this ugly mvtt is. For those of you who don’t, here’s a little history. This is Melanie Rope from Regina SK, ( Smelly Melly). she’s a disgusting low life dirty pathetic criminal stinky piece of sh1t. Now we’re all caught up. Smelly always announces to the world on social media how much she loves her loser fuking lowlife opioid addicted boyfriend. Who never buys her flowers or gifts. He never takes her on hot dates or fancy dinners.. He certainly doesn’t take her on lavish trips or fun vacations.. lol. She looks at him with disappointment and asks herself, “Where are all the good men??! 😢” Well Smelly Melly., All the good men are taken. Locked down, in relationships and married to educated women with well paying jobs and University degrees. Classy, respectable women with a future. Pretty much to complete opposite of WUT U R! You’re a trashy skanky piece of sh1t trying to make money on your smelly cr@ck fan page. Hahaha you low life fuk! They only trip this mvtt has been on was to Mount Rushmore so she could flip off the presidents. Haha apparently still blaming white governments for her struggles. Because clearly free education, tax free treaty rights and endless opportunities isn’t good enough. Nope, she’d rather strip down and get naked for low life losers on her Stank A55 Smelly Cr@ck fan page. That is one stinky stinky smelly smelly cr@ck you’re walking your little wieners to! Fuk you Smelly Melly you disgusting piece of dog sh1t! [REDACTED]

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