ZACHERY GERINGER OF [REDACTED] SEXUAL SECRET!. This idiot Zachery Geringer came onto me while at my home in 2021, he was their to inspect or something a home theater setup and instead continued to ask me to text him, or call him and follow him on his social media and then was like, well I hardly ever see my wife so if you wanna hang out sometimes, its’ all good. I was like ???? He is real shady but you would never ever know it at first when you meet him he seems so cool and down to Earth. but no, not at all, if you want his d1ck shoved in your face then call him, otherwise his company is weird, all guys and the guys all act strange to. I talked to some guy with a beard that sent me a c0ck pic but that’s a totally different posting! I finally felt the encouragement to write this. This is my opinion, and I’d say more but don’t want him to remember me. Girls, watch out for him. His company is [REDACTED].

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