Andrew Engi Sociopath Narssisist…Watch Out

Andrew Engi

Andrew Engi Sociopath Narssisist…Watch Out. This guy, lies to cops, parents, and courts. This guy orchistraited a kidnapping and stabbing “said he was drugged”… To avade a hair folicle test. This guy lied to the courts again!!! Forging drug test results. This guy lied again!! Having another person carry out a hair folicle test for him. This guy impersonated his own brother in a court of law, stood up in court and plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t his brothers. How’d he get there in the first place??? Saying he was his brother when he was pulled over, not producing a license… and got him a $3000 fine. (his brother is a law abiding citizen, and was pulled over while three kids in the car on his way back from a 10day canoe trip, he was told to pay the $3000,or jail!!!!). This guy, completely ruined his kids home, clothing and furnature. Trashed all trim, all doors, including the overhead garage door. Punched holes in every single wall, left months and months of garbage at the property…TONNES to be exact. He knows what he did, continues to smile about it and at almost 40 years old is still living off mommy and daddy. He ruined all his girlfriends…. stealing all there sentimental belongings, and acting like he didn’t. The mental sociopathic behavior doesn’t stop after he has found his new victim. He uses the police and lies to keep abusing them years after they leave him. Stealing from his roommates is totally normal to him. If you ever do call the cops… he lies to them. This guy’s parents know exactly what he did, and have even enabled him to cause more damage, hidden information, lied about it, hidden witnesses too, pay for all their perfect sons legal fees, they choose to fuel his distruction. After years of this behavior… They still pay for and take him on elaborate vacations, paid in full by them…. THESE peoples purpose in life, is to ruin the good people that have fallen subject to their sons abuse.. Don’t touch these people with a 70foot pole. They are bad dishonest snakes, who will tear your life apart, or at least die trying. Girls and guys beware! Renters BEWARE!

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