Brittany Crawford Stay Away From This Robbing Junkie

Brittany Crawford

  1. Brittany Crawford Stay Away From This Robbing Junkie .Brittany is stright up TRASH! She sells her a55 for money which goes all on needles and Cr@ck but what she likes doing is setting people up and then her and her friends rob them and she will do that to people that are supposed to be her friends she don’t care as long as she has a pill to sh00t in her arms. Brittany stayed with me for about a month and let me tell you it was the worst month of my life! She’s so fuking dirty she hardly showered she is COVERED in track marks she would put her nasty crusty thongs in my laundry hammer thinking I would wash them! She borrowed a pair of tights from me and no joke wore them for like 3 days stright and once again left them in my hammer and no lie I had to throw them out because the croch part was brown and my whole room stunk like her dirty v@g so I threw them right out. I told her while staying with me she wasn’t to bring drugs or men into my home because of my little girl and one day I got home really early from work and this pig had some old man in my bathroom and she was sitting in the tub while this man pissed on her!!! That was the last night she stayed at my place but she made sure to steal my daughters piggy bank and some of my clothes before she left. She also has a kid that she never raised and she will brag that she makes thousands of dollars a day thinking she sounds cool but really she just looks like a fucking loser because with all the money she says she makes she has not once sent anything to help out with her kid! Shes just such a shItty person. And if your thinking about sleeping with her DONT the girl tested positive for an DRDs and I even heard she has DRDs that she caught from her old p1mp. My brother fooled around with her once and said she bend over and her a55 hole is stained brown and I know that’s true because you can see it in her pictures she post online. The girl is seriously in denial with how disgusting she really is and how bad she looks to other people. Everyone should know know how she actually lives and not the bullsh1t she trys to tell people. Stay away she will rob you use you steal from you anything to get what she wants. She’s a pathetic excuse for a human being and karma will catch up with her at some point

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