ROMANDEEP PADDA – FAKE, MANIPULATIVE, EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE – AVOID. AVOID this person at all costs. ROMANDEEP PADDA walks around Calgary acting like owns the place when we all know all of his money goes towards his drug addictions. This guy used and abused my friend during their relationship together and ruined her mentally, physically and emotionally. He is narcissistic and a sociopath who only cares about his needs and his needs ONLY. When you confront him about this post he will attempt to sweet talk himself out of it, just a fair warning. He will do anything to get his needs met, even if it means hurting other people to do so. He cheated on my friend multiple times and made her think it was HER fault that HE CHEATED. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! His own family kicked him out because of his sociopathic tendencies I bet. Please, if you have any respect for yourself, avoid this person. Do not affiliate with him, he will leech you of your money, energy and time.

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