Courtney Kruse

Courtney Kruse

Courtney Kruse. Oh my god….. where to do I begin? First of all Courtney get off the pipe. You’re clearly still smoking drugs and your mental health and disgraceful behaviour shows it. Not to mention the drd to follow… She’s desperately trying to prove that the [REDACTED] isn’t real, that she’s willing to put both her kids at risk and legitimately wants the [REDACTED] so her and her kids can build an “immunity” She just got custody of her kids back, and for the sake of her kids, I hope she looses custody again. She claims she’s qualified to help addicts, when she’s not qualified AT ALL. One year of community support worker unaccredited online crap does not equate to anything she was making herself out to be to provide services she is in no way qualified to provide, when she’s quite literally, still using drugs! You can find her lurking in the hospital without a mask on, putting everyone at risk, looking for people who tried to kill themselves that are vulnerable enough to believe her pathetic brain washed bullsh1t. Talking to her would probably lead them to try to commit suicide, again. Kourtney, you are a fuking disgrace to the human race, and your kids. You’re so poorly educated, even your family is ashamed of you! Get the psychiatric help you so desperately need and stop making yourself look like a fool.

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