Tiyet McKay Aka Tiyet Monkman Greedy H0e

Tiyet McKay Aka

Tiyet McKay Aka Tiyet Monkman Greedy H0e. Don’t give this chick anything, don’t help her out because she will b1tch and whine on Facebook how it’s “not enough” and how you’re being “cheap” She recently got a hamper from some group on Facebook then posted on Facebook how it was to small and that she has a lot of kids to feed, uh hunny, child tax and welfare were just out.. how do you not have money to feed your kids? Oh that’s right, she spends her money on guys so she can sleep with them. She then went to give her hamper to her mother, what!? You apply for a hamper then say it’s not enough but give it away? Why apply for a hamper anyways? Ungrateful b1tch, I hope won’t be sponsored next year and you have to fend for yourself and kids.. I’m sure one of your multiple baby daddies can help pitch in.

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