Instacart — Reactivate grocery store acct without having to send drivers license credit card. Started using Food Lion online pick up grocery service last winter because of mobility issues. Loved. March 2023–when tried to check out, unable said acct. deactivated? Contacted local store corporate Food Lion. Gave me Instacart number said they couldn’t do anything about it. Had NO idea they handle the online delivery as 3rd party OR that I had an acct with them. Contacted Instacart. Was sent an email request to Upload (?) submit a Fed. ID (like drivers license) credit card to their secure form to go to their security dept for reactivation!! Have called 2 more times since don’t have clue how to submit as requested but most importantly, not comfortable sending them such personal information to reactivate a grocery store pick up acct I didn’t know I had!!!!! Last agent did try to see if there was any other way this could be remedied (provided name, address, phone , email). No. Super question if this company is legit if they are not scammers?? Followed my gut NOT sending them such personal information as drivers license credit card. Are they not secure that someone tried or was able to hack my acct after only using 3 times? Shame because now I can’t use the online or delivery service of my favorite grocery store.

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