Anthony narcissist from Alabama who wants to destroy my character

Anthony narcissist

Anthony, narcissist from Alabama who wants to destroy my character. This narsassist has made it his mission to try and assassinate my character. I found so many women in his phone that he was upset with me for finding out who he truly was. He’s lives a double life the entire time we’ve been together. He went so far as sending pictures of me to one of the women he’s been sleeping with. So Once I found out I went to be tested and thank God I’m clear. His response was if something was wrong you got from all the men you’ve been sleeping with. Crazy part I was faithful the entire time. I want ppl to know who he truly is. This has been the worst relationship experience of my life. From having a gun pulled on me to the mental and verbal abuse, especially when he needed to spend time with others. I’m mentally exhausted and ready to get back to myself. This was the only woman that understood what I was going through. She also knew he was a narcissist as soon as she met him. She block him after the first conversation and he was still trying. I don’t understand ppl and why they treat the sweetest souls like this. Beware of this man. His next stop California to do more damage to others. Apart of my healing is telling my story and not being shame of what I’ve had to experience and go through.

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