Rebecca Meers Sydney Australia homewrecker

Rebecca Meers

Rebecca Meers Sydney Australia homewrecker. Rebecca Meers from Sydney Australia (Merrylands West) decided to hunt down my husband prior to us getting married and was happy to play the other woman for 3 years! She was having an affair with him while he stood in front of our family and friends reading his wedding vows to me 💔 I had no idea or I would never have married him! 9 months into our marriage he took off while myself and my kids were out for the day, he completely ghosted us for 5 long months which almost took my life. Eventually he came home telling me how sorry he was bla bla bla but never mentioned the affair! It wasn’t until my father in law took ill and we needed to rush to NZ to say our final goodbyes to him that I discovered the affair! My husband had left his passport at this woman’s house and she was refusing to hand it back (our flights were booked for the following morning and my father in law was given just a few days to live) I had no choice but to face it all head on, I had their relationship thrown in my face when I was introduced to the police as his wife while she was introduced as his girlfriend 😭😭😭 I have never felt more humiliated in my entire life yet I had no time to process what was happening right in front of me as my focus was on seeing my father in law before he passed then grieving the loss of him. Fast forward 6 months and I’m still putting on a brave face in front of my husband and children but I’m crippling

on the inside. I don’t know what’s worse marrying a complete stranger who was capable of being so cruel or another woman being completely ok with being a home wrecker. I didn’t get to celebrate our first wedding anniversary as he spent this time with her and now our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up and I feel sick to the core because how do I celebrate a lie? My husband is 17 years older than me and I am wife #4 (ignored red flag) however it’s my first marriage and a commitment I take very seriously! Every day is a struggle with so many triggers and reminders of what he has done but I chose this path and I simply can’t fail my children again so I suffer in silence 💔

I believe he has already received his bad karma and has learned a really valuable lesson but as for her I cannot wait for it to beat her down so heavily that she can’t get back up!

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