C0ke whore who uses everyone

who uses everyone

C0ke whore who uses everyone. Hi my name is Dezarea . Dez for short , i am an alcoholic cocaine user who likes to play victim in the drama i create . I legit love sleeping with any man who will give me attention or pay for my beer. I will create havoc in any friendship i have had , talk shit behind everyones back, try to give parenting advice to good parents when i have never had my own child for more then a month before the baby daddy takes my youngest away for my neglect and my passing out on the floor with a lit cigarette in my mouth , almost setting the house on fire cuz im to drunk to function i like to take good men and manipulate and gaslight to get what i want from any man …. I pretend that im a victim after i start shit with any friends i have had by calling them down belittling them for every mistake they make and when they mouth back i run and hide and cry to the other man friends i have . I like to think i have 81 connections but i dont cuz none of them has ever heard of me i make up stories in my mind and project my guilty lying fake ass on to others as soon as they start getting close to me …. Beware of me i have the clap and yes i got tested and refuse to take the 2 pills for jt to get it cured

Mike: First person perspective is pretty creative, lol

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