Hey “Scare-all!” Why didn’t you stick to the KISS Principle? What “twit” thought this up? You had a great product and it was so easy to use. I have knocked over my 4th developer bottle trying to squeeze the color cream into the freaking bottle. WTH? I am furious. You didn’t bother getting some female human to try this before you stuck us (me) with this crap. The liquid color was fine .. easy peasey. Nooo you had to screw it up with this cream that does not … I repeat … Does not mix or color as well as the liquid. To top it off you put the color in a metal tube. Oh damn, what next? Uh hand crank in every box? Did you consider women with hand issues would struggle with this cutesy Tootsie bs. Put it back!This is a giant fail. Put it back like it was, change the package color or design, but leave the product alone. I have used NI for as long as I can remember, but I am seriously looking for a replacement. You lost a loyal customer. Now put that in your metal tube and squeeze it, sucka!
P.S. – I’m so mad I wanna smack yo momma fuh dis! Yuh coulda made the color tube screw into the developer bottle so you wouldn’t lose everything if it tipped over … Duuh! Thinkin woman in duh he-ouse!
I’m done here, ya’ll!

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