Cancellation would have been sent to you immediately after last debit order was deducted, however after enquiries regarding the date my contract ends, I was not informed of any cancellation email that must be sent. I merely just called and visited your Parow branch to enquire about the end period of the contract and I feel that on this enquiry, your staff should have re-iterated the fact that an email / or written cancellation must be sent should I wish to not continue.

Your staff also has a major attitude and questions my integrity and the legitimacy of my enquiry about the end of my contact which I did not appreciate. I did not specifically ask who I approached at your zone parow desk or who I was speaking to when I called to enquire about the end of my contract. It was a general enquiry and did not foresee that I would have had this issue. I feel it was the responsibility of your staff to have mentioned the process when contracts end to me.

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