Zone tried to debit a 50% in july when legally the gyms were not open I then recalled that payment, the gym then only opened the 24th of august where as with the agreement we pay at the end of the month to cover the months use of the gym but it only opened the end of the month, I then noticed they were not debuting my account at all and the bank confirmed that they have not cancelled the direct debit I called in and 1 girl told me my account has been sent to debt collectors and I need to pay the full amount I then called a week later to discuss my bill and the new girl I spoke to said the previous one lied to me and I still have a few months to pay the account was not sent to debt collectors and gave a totally different amount to pay this is zone fitness in Parow I’m disgusted by the service and up till today I have not had a proper conversation with any accountant to sort out this amount owing, seems like the disaster management act does not apply to zone but every other company

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