A55hole Of The Month: Corinne Lea [REDACTED]

Corinne Lea

A55hole Of The Month: Corinne Lea [REDACTED]. This hypocritical dumb p.o.s is Corinne Lea. Owner of the [REDACTED]. When [REDACTED] first hit she was all for restrictions to flatten the curve and help stop the spread of [REDACTED]. But now that Bonnie Henry has closed all theatres she has decided to wage war on our health minister’s new restrictions. Listen, ya dumb b1tch. You can’t have it both ways. Your stupid theatre is not an essential service. I’m sure we can watch “the Goonies” and “ Forest Gump” from the safe comforts of our home. We are all in this together. Everybody has had to make sacrifices. Do your part to help save lives. There are people dying every day from this virus. Shut your fuking big mouth. And help save lives. Nobody cares about your stupid sh1t box theatre. And another thing….. stop posting burlesque pictures of yourself from the 80’s. Nobody wants to see your cottage cheese thighs ya old hag !

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