Adrianna Marie Sampson

Adrianna Marie

Adrianna Marie Sampson. Now, when it comes to cheaters, they should be held fully accountable, but I have a huge problem with a woman, who sits quietly in the background, while a man is conversing with another woman he’s involved with. That’s who Adrianna Marie Sampson is. She’s someone who will know a man is dealing with another woman, and takes great pleasure in being in the background, quiet as a mouse to not blow the mans cover. She’s a man eater, and takes it every way from Sunday until she gets what she wants, just to say “I won”. This woman would sit up and laugh at another woman getting played and didn’t see anything wrong with it, until he ultimately “picked” her. Although, this man is still cheating and never will stop, she got glory in this man hurting another woman. She’s supposedly an RN… go figure. Anyways. Congrats on your win Adrianna, I hope getting treated like garbage in the long run was worth it.

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