Andre is a terrible neighbour (Kingston)

Andre is a terrible

Andre is a terrible neighbour (Kingston). Had to get this off my chest cause it’s been bugging me. You know how we all used to keep our yards nice and neat? Seems not everyone remembers that. My neighbor, Andre, he’s got these trees, and I swear he trims them with his eyes shut!

Back in the day, we knew how to use hedge clippers and lawnmowers right. But Andre? Looks like he’s aiming for ‘Jungle of the Year’ or something with trees everywhere. Branches sticking out all over—it’s a real mess! And it ain’t just ugly; those crazy branches are like a hotel for every squirrel around.

Really, it’s not that hard, Andre. A little trim now and then wouldn’t hurt. Too much to ask for a bit of tidiness?

Mike: Our site has changed from posting homewreckers to posting yardwreckers

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