April Greasy Stanky Wh0re

April Greasy

April Greasy Stanky Wh0re. This is April cole. April Looks like A cracked out meth addict she goes around claiming rape on every man she’s been with even tho her ass is a virgin lmaoo. She Wants everyone’s man even tho she can’t even get a man cuz her ass be to god damn ugly, She doesn’t shower and stinks up the whole room she is greasy asf And smells like fish you can smell her from a mile away, watch out on this one she will get all her little minions to go after you she is 18 and only is friends with 14 year olds cuz no one her age wants to be around her, she will say she wants to fight but when you pull up she calls the cops and will go cry to them about it, she all talk, when she sees you she will literally run away from you that’s how much or a pussy she is, She thinks she is all that but in reality she just a ugly nerd, she is the most hideous thing i have ever seen in my life, She will make countless fake numbers harassing you because she is down bad obsessed with any man that interacts with her, she ain’t nothing but a dirty ass skank lolz

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