Baby killer Quinn

Baby killer Quinn

Baby killer Quinn. This b*tch threatens to murder babies and abuses animals. She’s got a warrant out for her arrest for harassment, once she becomes obsessed with you she will NEVER let you go. She makes up stories about being robbed or assaulted when she’s mad. She will also accuse anyone and everyone she doesn’t like of being a pedo. Makes me wonder wtf she’s doing herself!! She will make 100’s of fake accounts online to stalk and harass you if she doesn’t like you. She cheats on all of her boyfriends and has chlamydia constantly, doesn’t take the meds to get rid of it she’ll give it to you without telling you. She never cleans her house it’s always digusting. And she’s a catfish, EVERY photo she posts has multiple filters on it, she’s a 2 in real life. Stay FAR away from this one she will make every attempt at ruining your life if you get involved.

Mike: Filters are doing miracles

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