Beware of Sean in the Ottawa/Toronto/Gatineau area

Beware of Sean

Beware of Sean in the Ottawa/Toronto/Gatineau area. Sean preys on good/kind hearted women (young & old, any and every ethnicity) if you’re anywhere between 22-45, you’re the perfect target. He begins the friendship/relationship. He is extremely charming & kind in the beginning. He will start with his sob story about his upbringing and how his parents abandoned him (to get you to feel sorry for him), then he will talk about all of his successes and how he overcame it all (to get you to feel proud of him). The key is for you to trust him, and think he is this amazing man! He will be so charming and thoughtful, txting you every morning with good morning texts. Randomly offering to do nice things for you. That’s when the love bombing begins… then comes the emotional abuse (starting random fights with you, blocking you so he can make time for the other women) and then the emotional abuse turns into manipulation (blaming you, making you feel like you’re the problem & you’re crazy, etc..) everything about him is a lie, a walking red flag. He is very much a narcissist. Everyone in his life is heavily involved in his lies. His friends & their partners, his colleagues, his family, Even his CHILDREN! The only clueless one in the end, is you. He is heartless, he is evil, and he truly doesn’t care about anybody except himself. He will get you to start taking care of his home, doing his laundry, taking care of his children and help with his business. He will have you thinking you will be starting a family, getting married, etc.. he will try to get you pregnant to trap you. He will continue to do this. Until you figure it all out and eventually leave. Then it’s on to the next target! He’s been doing this in Ottawa since he moved here about 20 years ago. it’s important that he is exposed so women can stay far away from this evil human!

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