Billie Jean Martin

Billie Jean Martin Aka ALCOHOLIC BEACHED WHALE. Nikki, This disgusting sorry accuse for a human being should have some light shown on it to help protect others… Billie Martin AKA the alcoholic beached whale is a sick fck… She took advantage of a man who lost his family… When he was down in the dumps this sick twisted fat a55 sl00t pumped him with booze and drugs until he was unconscious and god knows what she did to him. Poor guy doesnt remember anything… All he remembers was that he was completely intoxicated and he regrets hanging out with it. He never touch it and never would, but is still embarrassed for hanging out with a loser like that. And fuk, I would be too… it has got to be one of the most ugliest things in the world!! What a waste of skin. 🤢🤮 This piece of dog sh1t is apparently a mother too… It should have known better… And now she can live with that for the rest of her life… That she took advantage of a man whom was sick and intoxicated! ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nikki, please stop this drds before it spreads… nobody deserves to be taking advantage of by a sick pos like that…. I feel so sorry for my man and who ever else was taking advantage by it. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 BILLIE MARTIN IS A DISGRACE TO SOCIETY… I feel sorry for it’s children

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