The bryers ice cream that we bought didn’t smell nor look good. It was spoiled and didn’t have a very nice scent. It didn’t look appetizing and it’s no good.

Breyers vanilla Ice cream
Breyers vanilla Ice cream
Breyers vanilla Ice cream


Samantha Gardner — USA

Nov 24, 2020  Verified customer

BJ’s Wholesale Club — Frozen chicken wings

I purchased two bags of the 10lbs Winter Creek Farms chicken wings from BJs club about a month ago. The wings was horrible, the bones was broken and bruised. It seemed like a rat attacked he chicken. How can you sell a product like this, it was a waste of money. Half of the bag was in the garbage. I cant afford to be losing money my kids have to eat. Either improve the product or take it off the market. Buyers beware do not purchase this product.

BlackCatLady — USA

Sep 16, 2020  Verified customer

BJ’s Wholesale Club — Rude racist behavior

My daughter went to bj’s at 339 gateway drive brooklyn, ny to return a product. The employee stated she could not return the product because it’s not returnable. The sign indicated “no returns on cleaning products and food” well the product we were returning was rid-x. The employee gave my daughter dirty looks and was very disrespectful. My daughter advised her it was neither food nor a cleaning product and she would like her money back. The employee walked away thinking my daughter would get fed up and walk away but she did not. Another employee stated that it was refundable and told the rude employee to give my daughter her refunded money. I just want you to know that i’m fed up with racist people in new york. I’m from down south and refuse to deal with racism. This is exactly what’s going on here. Yes i’m a white woman and dating a black man so i’m not racist nor is my daughter. The cashier #288419 time:11:50am 9/16/2020 reg #64 trans#8688 i would like this matter resolved because i’m fed up with racist people in new york


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