The bjs I was working at was the worst experience I have ever encountered. I have always had excellence in customer service and great work ethic. When I started working at this bjs. I saw the nastiest customers come in on a regular basis. I have never seen so many ignorant and rude people. The bjs I worked at has sets rules but they dont follow them at all. They will have workers continuously on the phones every day and theres one woman that will stay talking on the phone at the door for hours. I believe something about earphones was said but she went out and bought a smart watch and started talking in that. There is a boy that works there that wears his pants around his ankles where the customer asked if he wanted to use his belt. Why is the general manager allowing employees to go in there every day and use the phone for hrs on end while checking receipts. And they wonder why they are losing so much product. The general manager there is also naturally an [censored]. I think bjs hires people that are hard because they think maybe theyd be good at being strict. But at this bjs you have someone that dosnt follow their own rules and is just ugly to the employees. They honor expired coupons every day and when a customer is being rude to the employee and refusing to pay a membership and the surcharge they come over and honor that too for the [censored] customer. It makes no sense. Why have these rules if your going to give [censored] customers what they want. At the end alot of the workers here are quiting often or have plans to quit. This bjs will always be a cycle of ugliness and never get a head without the proper management.Coroporate. If they care at all about respect for employees and their business. They will fix things. Otherwise theyre name will eventually dissapear little by little. The general manager should have fired the people that takes phones calls every day all day because those people clearly dont respect the workplace and theyre not follwing the rules but then again this bjs doesnt follow their own rules. The customers are so nasty there. I am not saying customers dont deserve respect. But they are not giving respect so they definitly dont deserve to be honored. Employees deserve respect. If bjs doesnt care for their employees to get respect it will only get worse for that company. The general manager was not understanding when problems occured. She didnt care. She was displaying ignornace and I have power and control. It was fairness and employee rights at all. This is completely unnacceptable. Because she was a general manager im assuming that her representation of bjs is how they want to be represented. Its unnacceptable. The whole store is trash and any customer can see that as well as the employees. For whatever employees are left. A new face every week, for an old face gone. Everyone just wants to be right there and have power. Noone listens, at all. Its discusting. The employees dont follow the rules and bjs doesnt care that they dont follow the rules. This bjs doesnt even follow their own rules. If the customers treat the club members like [censored]. And bjs still honors them. How does that look on bjs and their employees as well. When does bjs show respect for their employees. After the customers are already swearing at them and complaining. And bjs comes over and praises the customer. If thats not desperate to honor [censored] customers and not value the employee then then idk what is.

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