Mixer was purchased in Roanoke, VA as a Christmas present on 12/26/2019 from my mother. She made it a point to get the extended BJ Plus warranty so if anything happened I could just take it back to the store. On 11/22/20 while using it, it started smoking and got extremely hot. I went to turn it off and the switch wouldn’t do anything; speed up, slow down or turn off. I had to physically unplug to make it stop. Mind you this is 5 days until Thanksgiving so all I wanted to do was get a replacement. I found the receipt and called the local BJ’s here in NC. The young lady I spoke to said I would have to call Kitchenaid, I told her my receipt had the BJ’s plus plan on it. She didn’t ask the date or anything else, just said “oh ok, then just bring it back to the store.” I went the 25 minutes down the road to the closest BJ’s. I get there and they said they couldn’t do anything for me. I would need to call the Asurion protection company. I told them one of their associates told me to bring it back to them. I was told that was a mistake. Once I finally was able to get a live person with Asurion, I was told they couldn’t help, it was the Manufacture warranty. Between online, live chat, and the eternal hold on the phones I have now spent at least 2 hours being flipped around and on hold. My husband tried on 11/24/20 to call after waiting 45 minutes on hold with Kitchenaid he decided to call BJ’s back. He spoke with Carmin who remembered not only the date of my receipt but told my husband she was the one who spoke to me on 11/23/20. She told him to bring the mixer back in at 10AM the next day 11/25/20 and she would see what she could do to replace it, even went as far as to say it may cost a little if their current mixer was more than the original purchase. So again 25 minutes up the road, he gets there today to find, Carmin is not there. He asks for the Manager and was told it was outside the 90 days and he couldn’t help him. He explained the full story and got absolutely no sympathy, help or anything even though that was what Carmin told him. As if the broken mixer wasn’t bad enough, now we have been lied to and inconvenienced not once but twice from the same BJ’s Club. I work in the customer service industry and you honor what your employees say and make it right. I am just disgusted over the whole ordeal. I have the receipt, just not with me. I do have the time of one call made from my cell phone. the other was online and I don’t have a way to show you that.

Kitchenaid artisan stand mixer

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