My issue with management in this store began when New York State Governor Cuomo amended his lawless executive order regarding masks. Thus allowing businesses to kick out customers (such as myself) for not wearing a mask because of health problems caused by wearing a mask. At the opening hour on the very morning of the day after Cuomo’s amendment, the Assistant Manager (Joe) threatened to and did call the local police to remove me from the store (I was not trespassed). This after one (and only one) customer began yelling “Kick him out! Kick him out!”. This customer was a black woman. I am an unprejudiced white male. The Assistant Manager (Joe) didn’t even have the decency to allow me to pay for necessities I already had in my shopping cart. Subsequently the Assistant Manager (Joe) began following me and watching me every time I came in to shop. I had to speak with head manager Heather about being followed and watched by Joe every time I came in to shop. Most recently, head manager Heather (in the presence of Joe) presumed the authority to demand that I divulge privileged information. Having been temporarily placed in my shopping cart, my face shield was in my possession. Head Manager Heather demanded to know, asking “Have you been fully vaccinated?”. To which I replied “that’s a matter between me and my doctor”. Head Manager Heather then demanded (again) to know, asking “Have you been fully vaccinated?”. To which I politely but pointedly replied “It’s none of your business”. At which point I put my face shield on so as to deescalate the matter in the moment. On a subsequent visit I asked several mask-less customers if anyone working at this store had asked them if they were “fully vaccinated”. All replied they had NOT been asked. Subsequent to this, Head Manager Heather personally began following and watching me while I was shopping. I have received all this discriminatory attention for exercising my first amendment rights. This discrimination needs to be brought to a permanent end.

  • Updated by Kojak1958 · Jun 20, 2021


    I forgot to mention the incident wherein Assistant Manager Joe (one evening upon arrival) began harassing me about wearing a face shield instead of a mask. This behavior was witnessed by two BJ’s Riverhead N.Y. employees. One of whom said to assistant Manager Joe “Why can’t you just leave the guy alone !?”.

    Note: Face shields are an alternative to masks per C.D.C. guidelines.

  • Updated by Kojak1958 · Aug 21, 2021

    Riverhead BJ’s Manager Heather continues to discriminate against me. Yesterday evening (8/20/21) Heather once more harassed me about the mask issue and my vaccination status. Again, I was prevented from purchasing necessary items already in my shopping cart. I had to call for police assistance. At the conclusion, the responding officers advised me Heather agreed to allow me to shop unmolested going forward. I came back today (8/21/21) to shop for necessities. I arrived at about 3pm. General manager Heather was not due at work until 4pm. Apparently Supervisor Andrea called General manager Heather who pointedly came in earlier than scheduled because of me. Again, I was harassed about the mask / vaccination issue, despite there being no mask mandate. I had to call again for police assistance. I informed the responding officers of the targeted harassment I am suffering and have endured for over a year now. The only reason I was allowed to pay for items in my cart today is because I informed the responding officers of the general managers practice of refusing to allow me to check out.

  • Updated by Kojak1958 · Aug 29, 2021


    After more than a year of harassment and discrimination suffered by me at the Riverhead BJ’s, I received an undeserved trespass notice. At no time was my conduct immoral, unethical or illegal. I have been waiting over two months for the promised call from a regional manager to resolve the matter. Still no call. But they made lickety split sure the trespass order against me was put out. If BJ’s management was unbiased, due process would have been followed. Cancel culture is the order of the day at BJ’s.

  • Updated by Kojak1958 · Oct 16, 2021

    Hello ? Complaints Board ? Your header says “Resolving since 2004”. I’ve written here multiple times. My issue remains UN-resolved. I thought you guys were in the business of helping people treated unjustly.

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