Boost Mobile — Loyal customers don’t matter. I have been a customer of Boost for about 10yrs. 5 years ago Boost invited me to join their Premier Program which gives me a 14 day grace period to pay my service without being turned off. May 19th my bill was due and as usual I expected my phone to stay on because of the grace period. This wasn’t the case this time. I called to ask why. I was told as they started transferring people in batches to their new system people were losing the Premier Program. I asked why if everyone that has the Premier Program are grandfathered in even though they aren’t excepting new people to enroll. I get told I don’t know but it’s because you have been switched to the new system. I didn’t ask to take it off. I wasn’t notified of any changes. The lady says I know you weren’t notified this was going to happen and I would really like to turn your phone back on but I can’t. She said the information is being passed on to be investigated since it’s happening to a lot of people. She gave me a $10. credit hoping it would help me be able to pay my phone sooner to turn it back on since she said the only way to turn it back on is by me putting money on it. My phone still isn’t back on and I can’t pay until the beginning of month as they can see I always paid that time being disabled on disability. I relied on the grace period they offered me to join. If they warned people were going to lose it I would’ve done something to avoid my service being turned off. I went on the web looking for information about the new system the rep mentioned. Turns out Boost merged with Dish and states existing Boost customers will have no change in their plan or services per the merge. Why did they remove my Premier Program and cut me off then. They should hold up their end on the people that had the Premier Program being grandfathered in and turn my service back on. But if for some reason they ever decided to eliminate the program they should at least turn it back on and have it work as it normally did until they notify people on it they are going to eliminate it.

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