Brady Sapp homewrecker from Louisiana

Brady Sapp

Brady Sapp homewrecker from Louisiana. Brady Sapp of Louisiana went to work in Baltimore Maryland. Brady Sapp made the choice to destroy our family. He chose to enter into a relationship with Mandi Click of Edgewood Maryland. Mandi knew Brady was married with a family. They actually lived together. Brady now has no job, no home, no money, no ride. He destroyed our family so I destroyed his life. Now it’s time for Mandi Click to learn you can not just walk away after playing a part in destroying a family and act like nothing ever happened!! She played a part of destroying the family of our 6 year old daughter!!! Help make Mandi Click famous in Edgewood Maryland!!!! TIMELINE OF RELATIONSHIP ALSO POSTED!

Mike: This, is definitely most detail post of a homewrecker

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