Chris Shihadeh Professional Con Artists And Criminals

Chris Shihadeh

Chris Shihadeh Professional Con Artists And Criminals.  These two low level criminals are out scamming and conning people in Scottsdale out of their hard earned money. They steal from military families, seniors, anyone with a pulse who can fund their next big purchase or vacation. We have all encountered some low life people in this world but these two are professional criminals so if you see them out and about stay far away or they will go after every penny you have. Financial investment fraud, real estate fraud, theft, the list goes on what these two do to people. How they are not locked up is beyond many of us but hopefully they will see the inside of a jail cell soon. Oh, if you see them with their high end watches ask them to prove ownership. Those were stolen from our circle as well and we have proof. Way to win by stealing from others!

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