Cindy Pacheco liar and manipulator

Cindy Pacheco

Cindy Pacheco liar and manipulator. Been wanting to post this for a good while but been hesitant cuz she has a few guy friends on here who she also messed around with while we were dating. 🚩🚩🚩 goes by Cindy Pacheco she will use you for anything she can get from you! I mean Anything $$$$

Talks mad shit about any and everyone including her own friends and family!

Will not cook for you or clean while you are around she expects it from you!

Will say she loves you all while talking to other men behind your back till you find out. Then when confronted she will blame it on you!

Lies and manipulates you into always being wrong and belittles you, then plays victim!

Uses her “show car” one of her ex’s built for her saying she built it just to get attention and get laid by guys.

Will fool you in the beginning before the psycho comes out and you see who she really is.

Hasn’t just done this to just me but others! 🚩🚩🚩 good luck!

Mike: The pics are the same person??

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