Cineworld — Wasted trip. Drove 20 minutes to outlet to purchase an ice cream sundae. Was refused service by staff member who claimed that the outlet was closed yet no information is available online with the opening times, no hours of business are displayed at the outlet, no ribbon was placed across the counter indicating that it was closed, all of the ice cream flavours were still out on display. I offered to pay with the correct change but was still refused service and staff had no sympathy for me when I told them the efforts that I made to visit their outlet. I would like a voucher or credit for an ice cream sundae from the Baskin Robbins outlet to compensate me for the efforts that I made to visit not to mention the wasted fuel costs and my time. Also for Cineworld to have better clarity on their website regarding the opening hour of their concessions stand plus signage to be in place their that explains the hours of business so that other innocent civilians don’t suffer the same stress I have.

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