Dana Horogozo Harangozo Millvale Trailer Trash Lovin’ MAN

Dana Horogozo

Dana Horogozo Harangozo Millvale Trailer Trash Lovin’ MAN. This trannnnnniiieeeyyy a55 brags she stole a person she stalked from faculty he was a steering counselor bragging she he stole marissa metzgers child’s dad Ryan zier… Isn’t {that a} disgrace first he be wit a drd h0e then this earlier than in between becoming a member of the military what a disgrace I guess SHE the actual she don’t even know that! Bahaha sooo nasty stalking a55 stylish wit a D… So nasty wit a deep a$$ voice n sh1t them silly faces she makes omg..she it’s prefer it ain’t what you assume….ew and he or she it brags about beIN concerned wit cyf and tried to get youngsters faraway from the dudes she stalks child’s mother be careful for this Triphiline pig wanna be b1tch

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