Earl Matthews is a horrible pedophile

Earl Matthews

Earl Matthews is a horrible pedophile. Earl Matthews was texting with my 14-year-old sister. She left her phone on our coffee table when i noticed she got a text from earl with a heart emoji next to his name and the old man emoji. I forced her to show me the texts and they went back for three months! She met him online, told him her age, and he kept talking to her. this fucking pervert turned things sexual in less than a day. He sent her dick pics and made her take topless photos for him. They were making plans to meet for sex, so thankfully I caught it in time to stop that from happening. The ONLY reason I haven’t called the cops on him is because I know my sister would be traumatized. But this is at least some justice. Don’t trust this pervert around kids EVER.

Real Estate Specialist at Gunter & Associates Realty


Mariah & Earl of Real Estate


Mariah Matthews


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