Eileen Roberts – Sad Pathetic Fraud

Eileen Roberts

Eileen Roberts – Sad, Pathetic, Fraud. Meet Eileen. She is an ‘achieved’ MLM self proclaimed “Queen” that sells make-up and wrinkle cream however fills her face with Botox. It’s so apparent. She denies it, go look on FB and see for your self!! Do NOT purchase make-up from this liar. Her lips appear to be she’s at all times giving a BJ. It’s ugly. She’s a fraud who says she is going to do something for folks nevertheless it’s at all times about her she dangerous talks each individual she claims to be mates with. Each physique. She claims she’s at all times cheated on, however She’s only a mendacity bi*ch with a vibrator obsession and DRD giving drds to all of the poor Basta*d’s who will do her. These she is sick of, she tries to get a restraining order on. She’s loopy. Rumor is that some poor f**Ker moved from Australia for her. If you recognize Bret Seriani, somebody ought to warn him to run quick.

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