Goodwill Industries — Wrongly discharged. I was hired. I believe wrongly discharged. I was placed on sorting hang garments for retail. Didn’t do so well I was embarrassed by supervisor She very loudly told me I had been trained I did terrible I was embarrassed. So she pit me on removing outdated items The two individuals that were working told me what shelves to do I did them and asked another Supervisor to Chek my work. She said OK I went to the next assignment. The Supervisor that hired me summond me and blanket told me I was fired She didn’t ask me what shelves I worked on . Those items she retrieved were not mine. I was embarrasses and humiliated. It sadden me to think this is how your treat another human being Fired after4 days and I didn’t get to say my side. She talked to me so badly. Just so you know. There is no resolution She has been manager for 5 years and apparently the company is pleased with here work. This is the Richmond Store.

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