Jade Erin Marcotte is Hunting Older Rich White Men

Jade Erin Marcotte

Jade Erin Marcotte is Hunting Older Rich White Men. As to what did, or did not, happen between Ms. Marcotte and I, it’s time for my side to be heard.
I made reservations at an upscale restaurant earlier in the day and was hoping to see my friend perform in his comedy show. Ms. Marcotte acted dismissive of the show, and shortly after that finding out she had been a “comedian”. So, I was able to only go say hi to my friend before his show, but then had to leave to meet her for the dinner reservation. We got some food, and had some drinks, and she said she planned to meet her friends nearby at another bar after dinner.
It was pretty cold, and she asked if we could wait in my pickup for her ride and was receptive to me keeping her warm with a hug as we walked over. We got in the pickup, which has a wide, tall console between the front seats, we both shared a kiss; when I leaned forward for another she refused and I backed over to my side.
There was no anger, no threats, nothing physical, it was
simply clear we both wanted the date to be over.
She never had to “fight me off”. At no point, did she scream, pound on the glass or anything like that. At one point she posted that I tried to “rape” her, but in the post the word “rape” was scribbled over, and not visible. Even the implication of this is obscene, and was posted publicly before I could deny it. She has claimed I tore her clothes, which I specifically deny.

I am not a predator, nor do I have any control or anger issues with women. I have been unfortunate to encounter a woman who does towards men; If I’m guilty of anything it’s for being a fool and not screening my dates better. Hadn’t been on a date in forever and thought it’d be fun to take a comedian to a comedy show. I was mistaken!

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