Jade Guthiel Wannabe Scammer Petty Thief

Jade Guthiel

Jade Guthiel Wannabe Scammer, Petty Thief.This is Jade G. She craves attention from anyone and wants to be famous, but really she’s INFAMOUS. The only time she calls is when it’s about her, or ‘come save me, now please’ only to find out when you’re almost to her- she is gone or you weren’t fast enough to get to her and she found a better way, telling you way late. I fell for it. When she does dirt, she’ll get help from one of her many ex-boy/girlfriends. She stole my debit card and made charges at a gas station, a beauty shop, and 2 at local dept. store to the amount of more than $245 leaving my bank account bone dry. The ex-boyfriend she was with stole two boxes of ammo from my car and I personally watched as he injected her with m3th. That is her vice of choice, m3th- either by injection or through the nose. She’s on all the social media and dating sites under Rosee, Mariee, Livee, probably a combination of those names. Similar to a floozy, but a floozy gets paid. If you have what she wants, you are a prime target- men and women alike. Be mindful of your assets or they’ll be gone by her. When confronted about being a scammer or thief, it’s DENY, DENY, DENY. A police report has been submitted and im an arrest warrant has been issued. If you’re with when the law comes down, you may be going with her. Don’t get clouded by her looks because underneath is a cold, narcissistic, homeless, h0e a55, b1tch. Hopefully this will save somebody from the turmoil and damage I went through. Fake and untrustworthy hoodrat is all she is.

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