Jaehong Eric Han — Los Angeles California

Jaehong Eric Han

Jaehong Eric Han — Los Angeles, California. Jaehong Eric Han came to see me for a pegging session. He brought a little girl’s outfit with him and asked me to pretend to be his dad. It was really ******* weird, and he hadn’t asked for that over texts, but I just went with it because I needed the money. While I was ******* him bent over my bed, he started to speak in a high-pitched little girl voice and kept calling me “dad.” That was too much for me, and I asked him if we could just keep it normal. He got upset that I wouldn’t do what he wanted and ended up asking for his money back. I gave him back half and watched as he stormed out. This dude’s a diva who is into some weird **** but won’t tell you ahead of time. Ugh.

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