JAMES PATRICK SUMMERFIELD!!. Ladies and gents please beware of this trashy ass little man child.
He is not safe to have children around; he will always have some sort of drugs on him whether it’s to sell or use
He claims he’s been alcohol and hard drug free for a few years how but as someone who dated him for quite some time, he cannot go a day without smoking weed; he does it like its his job; if he has a long day? He’ll put Pepsi on his gums and I’m sure up his nose now, just to keep himself going
He has no respect for the women he dates
He pushed his ex out of a moving vehicle
He will lock his girlfriends in his house with his alarms and cameras on along with the doors and windows being locked.
He has no care for anyone whom he sells drugs to, he once said if his “customers” ODd in front of him he would laugh and take his product back along with keeping their money and he wouldn’t help
All and all? I’d stay far far far away!!

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