James Rayfield — Liar Backstabber Thief WORST ROOMMATE EVER!

James Rayfield

James Rayfield — Liar, Backstabber , Thief WORST ROOMMATE EVER!. James Rayfield is a liar , thief and a backstabber, his place stinks and its soiled, he has mattress bugs and c0ckroaches . He withheld my Remedy and refused to reply the cellphone , he instructed me to undergo . He screws folks over identical to he did in highschool. He’s a animal abuser and hits his cat, he doesnt speak a shower , he wears the identical factor on a regular basis.They’ve this group they usually like screwing folks over , these folks , james chevrette, David miller Cindy tige krista madge , katie foss and james rayfield are backstabbers , dont stay with them , don’t be freinds with them they’ll use you for cash and the rest.

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