Jessika Duke (Van Duissen) Aka Jozlyn Starr Sleeps With Everyone Stalks People With Fake Accounts

Jessika Duke

Jessika Duke (Van Duissen) Aka Jozlyn Starr Sleeps With Everyone, Stalks People With Fake Accounts. This girl right here has absolutely no life, she loves to scam people for “private” shows, she’ll ask for money first and not come through! She is also known to harrass other females by making fake Facebook accounts and messaging people lies about others and stalking their socials. She’s 35 years old (claims to be 25) with 3 kids and likes to sneak outside to do panty deals in some John’s car while her kids are asleep indoors. She is all around a very nasty female lately she’s been attacking her boy toys x girlfriend who was assaulted by him and has charges pressed against him. She is sending threatening message via fake accounts on messenger.

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