Joyce Hekimian Useless Wh@Re Ex Friend

Joyce Hekimian

Joyce Hekimian Useless Wh@Re Ex Friend. Gotta love having friends like Joyce Hekimian. She has been In mine and my sons life for 8+years. She has been introduced to another one of my so called ex friend Alexis Randall. Alexis Randall was only introduced to her because she was a loser, thief , and a gullible idiot that couldn’t make friends of her own. But back to Joyce she sat there with Alexis when visiting one day saying she’d drop everything even her man to be with me, knowing I have a woman and she was moving out here to be with me. When she was told that my woman was on her way to be with me she nearly lost her sh*t and started it all off by me trying to pick my son up from visiting with this two bit wh@re. She was screaming at me saying my son didn’t wish to come home with me and that he’s staying at her place for the night. That my son was also hers and when I cool down I can get him. Also filling my son’s head with lies and Alexis head with lies. Only thing is my son didn’t believe her. Alexis was a total different story. But if you’re a step above her man and have your sh*t in a group you can have this sloot till she finally finds someone else above your standards of life. Her man’s name is Dustin dont know her lastname.

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