Kalla Lynne Schwarz: heartless Succubus Fake Compulsive Liar/cheater

Kalla Lynne Schwarz

Kalla Lynne Schwarz: heartless Succubus, Fake, Compulsive Liar/cheater. This is Kalla, puts on a nice act, but its time someone wrote something about how terrible she treats people. I literally had the unfortunate experience of watching this harlet and one of my best friends, fall MADLY in love with each other, well, she did, which made him fall for her, and then became a SLAVE to her every waking moment. I watched him go through hell and back for this girl while she sat around and let her life fall apart right in front of them, doing next to nothing productive to help him. He has blood clots and could die any time now, you think that maybe she would not push him to his limits and beyond, but nope, she pushed even harder surely sending him to an earlier grave then he would have been. He did amazing things givin the circumstances, and she still has her belongings and her 4 cats she cant even afford to take care of, and her car (that is in the process of getting re-possessed AGAIN) even after he went above and beyond to help her get it back the first time! She wouldnt have a place to stay if she wasn’t shacked up in a place he had to plead for permission for the two of them and the cats to stay there together. You would think that she would love and appreciate this man for everything he has done for her, the sacrifices and compromises he has endured to better her life and keep her head above water, but instead, she decides to go behind his back and make some plans with her ex that she left for my friend, and cheated on him repeatedly. Not just that, she didn’t stop there, she proceeded to gang up with the drugged out head that resides in the property and has him thrown out into the cold to live in his truck so she could continue to fuck her ex and be able to string my friend along even further. Asks my friend to pay a $500.00 vet bill for one of the cats, knowing he’d say yes, but making it seem like she was trying to work on things with him, but then ghosts my friend right after the vet appointment and runs off to spread her whore legs for her ex while my friend freezes to pieces in the park down the street from where she still stays, the place he got for them, in his truck alone, sad, depressed, and suicidal (and i dont blame him). She let him spend every single cent he had on her and theyre situation, her problems, every single hour was basically completely dedicated to being there for her and to help her get through everything. Now that hes at the very bottom of a hopeless pit of betrayal and agony, Kalla has the balls to straight up leave my friend low and in a hole expecting him to pick io the pieces that she single handedly shattered on him, while she runs off to manipulate her ex into thinking shes a good person again… this girl is the worst kind of “woman” out there, and I think actions like hers should be held accountable and punishable in a court of law. Its truly disgusting to see how she treats my friend after everything hes done for her. She should be ashamed of her self, and honestly I dont know how she could even live knowing she used him up for not only his money, resources, but most importantly, his time! What little time he may have left. It breaks my heart to see him be treated like a villin, he is such a sweet guy and I have never witnessed anyone love someone so unconditionally. She has no idea what shes lost. What shes thrown away like trash. Kalla, if you ever read this, just know, karma is gonna get to you girl mmmmhmmmmm Karma and I happen to be tight girlfriends. Lol We’ll catch up with you soon hun. Its a small small world out here.

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