Katrina Smith The Literal Mental Case

Katrina Smith

Katrina Smith The Literal Mental Case. Well this chick just LOVES to spread SERIOUS lies about People, she can’t care for her daughter at all and neglects her constantly, cause boys and ruining her “friends” relationships by lying seems to be waaayy more important, she portrays herself as a loving mother when the only time she gives her kid attention is in the photos they take together for her to post, She’ll also try to fuk your boyfriend or recent ex first chance she gets. doesn’t matter how close you think you are with her. She’ll copy everything you do like hair makeup just over all style cause she has a bland personality and has to steal ideas from other people to feel “different” when she looks like the dollar tree version of literally EVERY girl she copies. So pretty much don’t trust her or be around her unless you want problems. She’s gross and lies and says her friends did the sh1t SHE ACTUALLY DID. If you see her talking smack . Chances are she’s lying to have people feel bad for her and she’s just reflecting what she does on to other people cause she’s insecure and gross, if your reading this. Take my advice and go to fukin therapy chick you need HELP. Stop worrying about other people’s relationships and PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KID FOR ONCE. Stop using your dead mother as an excuse to treat people like sh1t and avoid being called out.

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