Kristina McWilliams — Household Of Babies Ruined By Home Wercker

Kristina McWilliams

Kristina McWilliams — Household Of Babies Ruined By Home Wercker. Kristina McWilliams has taken not just my husband away but has taken him away from him away from his children made him miss urgent appointments his promise me over and over he would stop being with her and come back but them she gets back into his head and sucks him back him once his broke she leaves and goes with another man then once he gets money again that’s supposed to be for his kids and mortgage and Bill’s he blows it on her and leave his kids with nothing no food no clothes nothing shes made him stay with her for weeks on end not seeing his kids his kids have special needs his lied to his kids broke promise because she made him stay hes promise his daughter he would come back then didnt and cause her a stress seizure this b1tch has ruined my kids lifes and destroyed my married for sex and money thara all she cares about she takes him for all his money once hes broke she leaves and waits for his money to come in them spends in all on food and anything for her leaving his kids starving.

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