Kyle manipulator from Rochester Mn

Kyle manipulator

Kyle manipulator from Rochester, Mn. Rochester, Mn. He is on multiple sites with women saying the same stuff I dealt with. Manipulator. Liar. Gaslighter. “Dated” him for 3 months. In that time he went from wanting to marry me to “this isn’t working” in those 3 months he gave me a yeast infection 4 times and said it’s because he puts lotion all over his body. He told me other women before me complained about it too. He got mad every time I wasn’t in the mood and threw a fit like a child got his toy taken away when he couldn’t get laid. He is a giant red flag. Be careful ladies. and I know a yeast infection isn’t necessarily a man’s fault but I never had one before I slept with him and haven’t seem to had one since I stopped seeing him. I’m thankful it wasn’t something else. But he definitely makes you feel like owe him sex because you’re his woman. No one should feel obligated to sleep with anyone.

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