Magdaleno Leal — Dodge City Kansas

Magdaleno Leal

Magdaleno Leal — Dodge City, Kansas. Magdaleno Leal of Dodge City, KS knowingly encourages and enables his ugly fianceé Crespina Magdaleno Crespina Ramona Heredia Crespina Leal to cheat on him with other men (especially whom he knows) he knows and is turned on by it. His “fianceé” even has private R-rated snaps and multiple CashApp accounts under Crespina Heredia and various alias accounts even though she is unemployed while cheating on Magdaleno. They do this to make themselves feel better about their sham of a “relationship” and because they are ugly people outside and inside. He is in on it with Crespina, but won’t tell the significant others he knows Crespina cheats with then (sending gross fatty nudes to every guy she gets ahold of and also physically cheating) but instead reinforces her infedility. They are both in on Crespina’s lowlife, cheating behavior. Crespina has no remorse or respect for other people’s relationships just like she doesn’t of her own and will aggressively go after cheating on Magdaleno with anyone who is desperate enough to slum it with her all while Magdaleno knows and encourages her. They are both sick in the head. Ladies and gentleman of Dodge City, Kansas, watch out for this mentally unstable couple who are a sham, liars, and cheaters.

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