Major Red Flag from Houston

Major Red Flag

Major Red Flag from Houston. Do yourself a favor and don’t BELIEVE this “lady” is wife material or even gf material like she claims to be! I wont name names BUT if you know whonshe is…and ur thinking about combining forces with this disaster, better think lomg and hard about that. Here’s the low down on this piece of grade A sheet…..

To make a long story short, I just have to say a higher power HAS to be watching my @$$ cuz this person really tried to run game on me and use me for everything she could and all she got was a big fat Goose egg and she ended spending her money not mine 🤣….the player got played, so here’s her MO:


Nice boobs but u can Def tell they are fake

Vindictive so she will f* a dude to get back at her bf….translation: easy to manipulate into shaggin on a first date


🚩 she likes to groom her next guy while she is still with someone; she did that to me and she did that to all her ex’s. The beech needs so much damn attention cuz she’s worthless

🚩 she’s a liar, cheater and VERY abusive; dont expect her to show any compassion or concern for u; she assaulted me once and called the police on me and they told her I charges for what she did lol

🚩 she constantly blames others for her mistakes; she absolutely will not accept fault for anything her or her $hit kids do…even if they assault ur kids

🚩 she’s Hella mf unappreciative; dont expect her to really appreciate a damn thing….minute you piss her off everything u did never happened

🚩 she’s always complaining about everything OMFG….talk about a mf negative person man

🚩 she still sleeps with her 14 year old son.

🚩 she will NEVER take responsibility for anything

🚩 she still f* around with exs; she’s still tryna f* around with me 🤣🤣🤣

🚩 she’s flakey and makes excuses a lot; most likely cuz she’s entertaining a roster and needs her alone time

🚩 she always wants alone time; see bullet above

🚩 she has really bad anger mgmt issues and MASSIVE issues with regulating her emotions so you’re always gonna be in the dog house and she’ll probably be grooming her other dudes

🚩 she loves to spread lies about exs on don’t date him groups

🚩 she will use any of ur personal information against u so PLEASE DONT DIVULGE INFO TO HEE, unless ur ready for it to be used against u…DEF DO NOT TELL HER HOW MUCH YOU MAKE OR BEMD OVER BACKWARDS TO DO SHEET FOR HER…unless u LOVE TO WASTE MONEY

🚩 she waits to speak instead of actually listening to you and she takes no personal interest in anything you have to say after 3 mos….enough time tk make u THINK

🚩 she’s legit unstable – self mutilated and VERY machiovellian

🚩 she’s f* sucks in bed and always wants to raw dog it so uncan get her pregnant

🚩 shell talk sheet about u to everyone including ur employers and try to get u fired; she got me fired from 2 jobs by calling my bosses and talking sheet…I found out thru friends at work

🚩 she will turn ur friends and family against u

🚩 she will use social media to slander and harass u instead of working on resolutions to problems with u

🚩 she’s is a f* perverted trashy @$$ woman….only good for one thing and lemme tell ya fellas, there is waaaaaaay better and waaaaay nicer out there….don’t let this c* take advantage of u

🚩 Absolute shitty mom….she looks legit like wife material but upon deeper inspection you will realize just how shitty a mom she is…apples never fall far from the tree so all u gotta do is look at how her kids behave

🚩 she’s a golddigger straight up; she likes to have one guy she f* for fun and one who she uses to take care of her….I was the f* boy when she was with her husband then she tried to pull that sheet with me and I sa9d laters🤣🤣🤣, ain’t nobod6 got time for that

🚩 unless u got a HUGE cock, don’t even bother dude; she’s gonna be loose and u wont satisfy her…I’m 8.5 by 7 around so if ur ain’t packing heat, don’t expect her to be understanding

🚩 major daddy AND mommy issues which explains all this bs so unless ur a psychiatrist and board certifi3d to prescribe meds to keep this one chill, dont even mf bother

🚩 has absolutely no morals or ethics; she is am entitled Karen (eg her and her daughter one Christmas were joking about getting dildos for xmas….her daughter was 13 at the time)…she f* her bosses and was doing d sucking contests while she was married

🚩 she’s lazy af and half asses everything; absolutely doesn’t wanna work….she wants YOU to work and take care of her 🤣🤣🤣🤣, while she’s out fucking with her fuck boys

🚩 her 3 kids are absolutely fucking lame brats….her son still sleeps with her and she doesn’t want him to sleep in his bed lol, her oldest can’t make a decision on her own and the middle one is as mf disgusting and whorish as she is.

🚩 her convo is absolutely lame af; if ur intelligent and have some common sense, this one will numb ur brain

🚩 has no education and no desire to leanr anything or do anything new; absolutely mf useless if ur tryna get anything done

If ur looking for a good time, id say why not BUT FELLAS, PLEASE DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS TRASH! I am so done with her stupid @$$ I can’t even talk to her at this pt….but guess what!??? She’s still mf texting and calling me and tryna keep f* lol….so if ur talking to her, please know she’s still texting me and still tryna get some d from me and probably her other ex in town 🤣🤣🤣🤣….don’t worry I’m done with her stupid ass….but you ALL HAVE BEEN MF WARNED 😜

Mike: TL/DR – Red Flags

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